Guild Wars 2



Name Item levelсортировать по убыванию Required level Slot
Paws of Koda Paws of Koda 82 80 Gloves
Inquest Gauntlets Inquest Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Valkyrie Draconic Gauntlets Valkyrie Draconic Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Cleric's Pirate Gloves of the Flock Cleric's Pirate Gloves of the Flock 82 80 Gloves
Need Name Gloves Need Name Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Light Gloves Light Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Furnace Reward Gauntlets Furnace Reward Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Rampager's Draconic Gauntlets Rampager's Draconic Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Berserker's Barbaric Gloves Berserker's Barbaric Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Wrangler Gloves Wrangler Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Invaders Rawhide Bracers Invaders Rawhide Bracers 82 80 Gloves
Dry Bones Gloves Dry Bones Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Strong Banded Gauntlets of Lyssa Strong Banded Gauntlets of Lyssa 82 80 Gloves
Berserker's Exalted Gloves Berserker's Exalted Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Svanir Gloves Svanir Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Masquerade Gloves Masquerade Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Khilbron's Gloves of the Lich Khilbron's Gloves of the Lich 82 80 Gloves
Priory Gauntlets Priory Gauntlets 82 0 Gloves
Archon Gloves Archon Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Ogden's Gloves of Strength Ogden's Gloves of Strength 82 80 Gloves
Claws of Koda Claws of Koda 82 0 Gloves
Fire God's Heavy Vambraces Fire God's Heavy Vambraces 82 80 Gloves
Protector's Gauntlets Protector's Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Divinity Avenger's Gauntlets Divinity Avenger's Gauntlets 82 0 Gloves
Orrian Gauntlets Orrian Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Apothecary's Gladiator Gauntlets Apothecary's Gladiator Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Strong Rogue Gloves of Strength Strong Rogue Gloves of Strength 82 80 Gloves
Flame Legion Gauntlets Flame Legion Gauntlets 82 0 Gloves
Assassin's Gloves Assassin's Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Rogue's Gloves Rogue's Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Dreadnought Fists Dreadnought Fists 82 80 Gloves
Inquest Gauntlets Inquest Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Valkyrie Emblazoned Gloves Valkyrie Emblazoned Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Heritage Gloves Heritage Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Light Mortal Gloves Light Mortal Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Stalwart's Gloves Stalwart's Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Scaled Gloves Scaled Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Dryad Gloves Dryad Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Carrion Conjurer Gloves of Flame Legion Carrion Conjurer Gloves of Flame Legion 82 80 Gloves
Shaman Reward Gauntlets Shaman Reward Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Svanir Gloves Svanir Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Masquerade Gloves Masquerade Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Knight's Barbaric Gloves Knight's Barbaric Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Shaman's Conjurer Gloves of the Grove Shaman's Conjurer Gloves of the Grove 82 80 Gloves
Priory Gloves Priory Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Claws of Koda Claws of Koda 82 0 Gloves
Prototype Gloves Prototype Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Whispers Gauntlets Whispers Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Berserker's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets 82 80 Gloves
Divinity Commander's Gauntlets Divinity Commander's Gauntlets 82 0 Gloves