Guild Wars 2



сортировать по возрастанию Name Item level Required level Slot
Godskull Brazier Godskull Brazier 67 65 Torch
Cleric's Ogre Blaze Cleric's Ogre Blaze 67 65 Torch
Carrion Ogre Blaze Carrion Ogre Blaze 67 65 Torch
Berserker's Ogre Blaze Berserker's Ogre Blaze 67 65 Torch
Explorer's Ogre Blaze Explorer's Ogre Blaze 67 65 Torch
Rampager's Ogre Blaze Rampager's Ogre Blaze 67 65 Torch
Valkyrie Ogre Blaze Valkyrie Ogre Blaze 67 65 Torch
Knight's Ogre Blaze Knight's Ogre Blaze 67 65 Torch
Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood 72 70 Torch
Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood 80 78 Torch
Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood 82 80 Torch
Legionnaire Firebrand Legionnaire Firebrand 82 80 Torch
Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Firebrand of Blood 64 62 Torch
Beacon of the True Legions of Intelligence Beacon of the True Legions of Intelligence 82 80 Torch
Mystic Torch of Venom Mystic Torch of Venom 82 80 Torch
Arcing Beacon Arcing Beacon 82 80 Torch
Quaggan Torch Quaggan Torch 82 80 Torch
Cleric's Pearl Brazier Cleric's Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Carrion Pearl Brazier Carrion Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Berserker's Pearl Brazier Berserker's Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Apothecary's Pearl Brazier Apothecary's Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Explorer's Pearl Brazier Explorer's Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Rampager's Pearl Brazier Rampager's Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Valkyrie Pearl Brazier Valkyrie Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Knight's Pearl Brazier Knight's Pearl Brazier 82 80 Torch
Explorer's Destroyer Torch Explorer's Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Pillaging Dredge Lamp Pillaging Dredge Lamp 52 50 Torch
Berserker's Destroyer Torch Berserker's Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Hearty Dredge Lamp Hearty Dredge Lamp 52 50 Torch
Vigorous Dredge Lamp Vigorous Dredge Lamp 52 50 Torch
Strong Dredge Lamp Strong Dredge Lamp 52 50 Torch
Rejuvenating Dredge Lamp Rejuvenating Dredge Lamp 52 50 Torch
Rampager's Destroyer Torch Rampager's Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Apothecary's Destroyer Torch Apothecary's Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Blaze of the Serpents of Accuracy Blaze of the Serpents of Accuracy 82 80 Torch
Valkyrie Destroyer Torch Valkyrie Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Honed Dredge Lamp Honed Dredge Lamp 52 50 Torch
Ravaging Dredge Lamp Ravaging Dredge Lamp 52 50 Torch
Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood 64 62 Torch
Knight's Destroyer Torch Knight's Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood 72 70 Torch
Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood 80 78 Torch
Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood Traveler's Ceremonial Torch of Blood 82 80 Torch
Carrion Destroyer Torch Carrion Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Cleric's Destroyer Torch Cleric's Destroyer Torch 82 80 Torch
Priory's Historical Torch Priory's Historical Torch 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Orrian Torch of Blood Traveler's Orrian Torch of Blood 82 80 Torch
Torch of the Dragon's Deep Torch of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Orrian Torch of Blood Traveler's Orrian Torch of Blood 64 62 Torch
Torch of the Dragon's Deep Torch of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Torch