Guild Wars 2



Name Item level Required levelсортировать по возрастанию Slot
Berserker's Bow of Fire Berserker's Bow of Fire 82 80 Longbow
Summit Longbow Summit Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Priory's Historical Longbow Priory's Historical Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Golden Longbow Golden Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Berserker's Bow of Fire Berserker's Bow of Fire 82 80 Longbow
Shadowfain Longbow Shadowfain Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Invaders Longbow Invaders Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Knight's Krait Recurve Bow Knight's Krait Recurve Bow 82 80 Longbow
Ebon Vanguard Longbow Ebon Vanguard Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Traveler's Orrian Bow of Blood Traveler's Orrian Bow of Blood 82 80 Longbow
Carrion Krait Recurve Bow Carrion Krait Recurve Bow 82 80 Longbow
Inquest Longbow Inquest Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Warden Longbow Warden Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Quaggan Bow Quaggan Bow 82 80 Longbow
Golden Longbow Golden Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Shaman's Etched Greatbow Shaman's Etched Greatbow 82 80 Longbow
Berserker's Pearl Stinger Berserker's Pearl Stinger 82 80 Longbow
Rampager's Krait Recurve Bow Rampager's Krait Recurve Bow 82 80 Longbow
Nightmare Longbow Nightmare Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Ascalonian Longbow of Debility Ascalonian Longbow of Debility 82 80 Longbow
Vigil Bow Vigil Bow 82 80 Longbow
Inquest Longbow Inquest Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Whisper's Secret Longbow Whisper's Secret Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Golden Longbow Golden Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Bite of the Ebon Viper of Air Bite of the Ebon Viper of Air 82 80 Longbow
Shaman's Shiverpeak Bow Shaman's Shiverpeak Bow 82 80 Longbow
Knight's Pearl Stinger Knight's Pearl Stinger 82 80 Longbow
Norn Bow Norn Bow 82 80 Longbow
Lionguard Bow Lionguard Bow 82 80 Longbow
Vigil's Honor Longbow Vigil's Honor Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Inquest Longbow Inquest Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Gearbow Gearbow 82 80 Longbow
Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood 82 80 Longbow
Whisperer Bow Whisperer Bow 82 80 Longbow
Svanir Bow Svanir Bow 82 80 Longbow
Invaders Longbow Invaders Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Rampager's Bow of Corruption Rampager's Bow of Corruption 82 80 Longbow
Dark Asuran Longbow Dark Asuran Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Cleric's Krait Recurve Bow Cleric's Krait Recurve Bow 82 80 Longbow
Bone Longbow Bone Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Traveler's Krytan Bow Traveler's Krytan Bow 82 80 Longbow
Rampager's Pearl Stinger Rampager's Pearl Stinger 82 80 Longbow
Kodan Bow Kodan Bow 82 80 Longbow
Eibhear Dunn of Intelligence Eibhear Dunn of Intelligence 82 80 Longbow
Adamant Guard Bow Adamant Guard Bow 82 80 Longbow
Explorer's Krait Recurve Bow Explorer's Krait Recurve Bow 82 80 Longbow
Inquest Longbow Inquest Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Ghastly Longbow Ghastly Longbow 82 80 Longbow
Berserker's Bow of Fire Berserker's Bow of Fire 82 80 Longbow
Molten Longbow Molten Longbow 82 80 Longbow