Guild Wars 2


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" | % | ( | 1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | Ã | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Item levelсортировать по возрастанию Required level Slot
Traveler's Orrian Focus of Blood Traveler's Orrian Focus of Blood 82 80 Focus
Traveler's Aureate Spear of Water Traveler's Aureate Spear of Water 82 80 Spear
Tusk Harpoon Gun Tusk Harpoon Gun 82 80 Harpoon Gun
The Ugly Stick of Bloodlust The Ugly Stick of Bloodlust 82 80 Hammer
Traveler's Krytan Warhammer Traveler's Krytan Warhammer 82 80 Hammer
Tactical Gloves Tactical Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Torch of the Dragon's Deep Torch of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Krytan Shield Traveler's Krytan Shield 82 80 Shield
Trident Trident 82 80 Trident
Tray[s] of Raspberry Peach Bread Tray[s] of Raspberry Peach Bread 82 75 Food
Torch Torch 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Orrian Warhorn of Blood Traveler's Orrian Warhorn of Blood 82 80 Warhorn
Tainted Glyphic Maul Tainted Glyphic Maul 82 80 Hammer
Traveler's Orrian Torch of Blood Traveler's Orrian Torch of Blood 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Krytan Speargun Traveler's Krytan Speargun 82 80 Harpoon Gun
Trident of the True Legion of Force Trident of the True Legion of Force 82 80 Trident
Tribal Bow Tribal Bow 82 80 Longbow
Thicket's Leggings Thicket's Leggings 82 0 Leggings
Traveler's Aureate Rinblade of Water Traveler's Aureate Rinblade of Water 82 80 Sword
Traveler's Krytan Mace Traveler's Krytan Mace 82 80 Mace
The Energizer of Rage The Energizer of Rage 82 80 Mace
Tusk Rifle Tusk Rifle 82 80 Rifle
Traveler's Orrian Spear of Blood Traveler's Orrian Spear of Blood 82 80 Spear
Trident Trident 82 80 Trident
Traveler's Orrian Sabre of Blood Traveler's Orrian Sabre of Blood 82 80 Sword
Tray[s] of Mango Pies Tray[s] of Mango Pies 82 80 Food
Tactical Helm Tactical Helm 82 0 Helm
Trident Trident 82 80 Trident
Tray[s] of Raspberry Peach Compote Tray[s] of Raspberry Peach Compote 82 75 Food
Torch Torch 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Krytan Dagger Traveler's Krytan Dagger 82 80 Dagger
Tainted Glyphic Pistol Tainted Glyphic Pistol 82 80 Pistol
Traveler's Conjurer Mask of Lyssa Traveler's Conjurer Mask of Lyssa 82 80 Helm
Tribal Bulwark Tribal Bulwark 82 80 Shield
Thicket's Leggings Thicket's Leggings 82 0 Leggings
Traveler's Krytan Sword Traveler's Krytan Sword 82 80 Sword
The Fate of Menzies of Blood The Fate of Menzies of Blood 82 80 Torch
Traveler's Rogue Pants of Scavenging Traveler's Rogue Pants of Scavenging 82 80 Leggings
Trapper Boots Trapper Boots 82 0 Boots
Traveler's Krytan Trident Traveler's Krytan Trident 82 80 Trident
Tusked Defender Tusked Defender 82 80 Shield
Tray[s] of Mixed Berry Pies Tray[s] of Mixed Berry Pies 82 75 Food
Tactical Leggings Tactical Leggings 82 0 Leggings
Traveler's Orrian Speargun of Blood Traveler's Orrian Speargun of Blood 82 80 Harpoon Gun
Trident Trident 82 80 Trident
Traveler's Orrian Scepter of Blood Traveler's Orrian Scepter of Blood 82 80 Scepter
Traveler's Orrian Mace of Blood Traveler's Orrian Mace of Blood 82 80 Mace
Traveler's Banded Legs of the Flock Traveler's Banded Legs of the Flock 82 80 Leggings
Traveler's Orrian Axe of Blood Traveler's Orrian Axe of Blood 82 80 Axe
Traveler's Krytan Spear Traveler's Krytan Spear 82 80 Spear