Guild Wars 2


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" | % | ( | 1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | Ã | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Item level Required levelсортировать по возрастанию Slot
Scepter Scepter 82 80 Scepter
Shaman's Ring Shaman's Ring 82 80 Ring
Strong Conjurer Mask of the Citadel Strong Conjurer Mask of the Citadel 82 80 Helm
Strong Banded Pauldrons of Grenth Strong Banded Pauldrons of Grenth 82 80 Shoulders
Shaman's Norn Trident of Water Shaman's Norn Trident of Water 82 80 Trident
Squeedily Spooch of Venom Squeedily Spooch of Venom 82 80 Focus
Seraph Greatsword Seraph Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Shaman's Norn Axe of Water Shaman's Norn Axe of Water 82 80 Axe
Svanir Chestguard Svanir Chestguard 82 80 Coat
Storm of Rage Storm of Rage 82 80 Scepter
Shaman Reward Breastplate Shaman Reward Breastplate 82 80 Coat
Svanir Rifle Svanir Rifle 82 80 Rifle
Short Bow Short Bow 82 80 Short Bow
Shield Shield 82 80 Shield
Sword of the Dragon's Deep Sword of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Sword
Shank Breastplate Shank Breastplate 82 80 Coat
Staff Staff 82 80 Staff
Svanir Gloves Svanir Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Spear of the Fur Spear of the Fur 82 80 Harpoon Gun
Scepter of the Dragon's Deep Scepter of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Scepter
Sword Sword 82 80 Sword
Sylvari Short Bow Sylvari Short Bow 82 80 Short Bow
Shield Shield 82 80 Shield
Svanir Leggings Svanir Leggings 82 80 Leggings
Sorcerer's Pants Sorcerer's Pants 82 80 Leggings
Seasatchel of Restoration Seasatchel of Restoration 82 80 Focus
Seraph Staff Seraph Staff 82 80 Staff
Steam Mace Steam Mace 82 80 Mace
Short Bow Short Bow 82 80 Short Bow
Shelter Helm Shelter Helm 82 80 Helm
Strong Banded Coat of Mercy Strong Banded Coat of Mercy 82 80 Coat
Svanir Masque Svanir Masque 82 80 Helm
Shaman's Shiverpeak Maul Shaman's Shiverpeak Maul 82 80 Hammer
Stag Spaulders Stag Spaulders 82 80 Shoulders
Staff Staff 82 80 Staff
Shield of the Wing of Battle Shield of the Wing of Battle 82 80 Shield
Summit Bulwark Summit Bulwark 82 80 Shield
Shank Dagger Shank Dagger 82 80 Dagger
Shaman's Norn Speargun of Water Shaman's Norn Speargun of Water 82 80 Harpoon Gun
Shaman's Pirate Gloves Shaman's Pirate Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Strong Pirate Mask of Grenth Strong Pirate Mask of Grenth 82 80 Helm
Steel Longsword Steel Longsword 82 80 Greatsword
Scepter Scepter 82 80 Scepter
Sinister Axe Sinister Axe 82 80 Axe
Svanir Dagger Svanir Dagger 82 80 Dagger
Strong Conjurer Mask of the Citadel Strong Conjurer Mask of the Citadel 82 80 Helm
Shelter Horn Shelter Horn 82 80 Warhorn
Strong Banded Pauldrons of Grenth Strong Banded Pauldrons of Grenth 82 80 Shoulders
Staff Staff 82 80 Staff
Svanir Chestguard Svanir Chestguard 82 80 Coat