Guild Wars 2


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" | % | ( | 1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | Ã | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Item level Required levelсортировать по возрастанию Slot
Strong Conjurer Mantle of Infiltration Strong Conjurer Mantle of Infiltration 82 80 Shoulders
Shield of the Dragon's Deep Shield of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Shield
Shaman's Shiverpeak Handcannon Shaman's Shiverpeak Handcannon 82 80 Pistol
Shaman's Reinforced Scale Helm Shaman's Reinforced Scale Helm 82 80 Helm
Strong Banded Greaves of the Dolyak Strong Banded Greaves of the Dolyak 82 80 Boots
Svanir Shoulderguards Svanir Shoulderguards 82 80 Shoulders
Shaman's Norn Spear of Water Shaman's Norn Spear of Water 82 80 Spear
Strong Rogue Gloves of Strength Strong Rogue Gloves of Strength 82 80 Gloves
Speargun of the Dragon's Deep Speargun of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Harpoon Gun
Shelter Axe Shelter Axe 82 80 Axe
Strong Banded Pauldrons of Grenth Strong Banded Pauldrons of Grenth 82 80 Shoulders
Saffron Thread[s] Saffron Thread[s] 82 80 Crafting Material
Strong Rogue Pauldrons of Vampirism Strong Rogue Pauldrons of Vampirism 82 80 Shoulders
Spirit Chalice Spirit Chalice 82 80 Focus
Seraph Focus Seraph Focus 82 80 Focus
Svanir Boots Svanir Boots 82 80 Boots
Shadowfain Shoes Shadowfain Shoes 82 80 Boots
Strong Conjurer Shoes of Divinity Strong Conjurer Shoes of Divinity 82 80 Boots
Sam of Festering Sam of Festering 82 80 Accessory
Shield Shield 82 80 Shield
Sword of the Dragon's Deep Sword of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Sword
Staff Staff 82 80 Staff
Svanir Gloves Svanir Gloves 82 80 Gloves
Shadowfain Short Bow Shadowfain Short Bow 82 80 Short Bow
Spear Spear 82 80 Spear
Signet of Grenth of Festering Signet of Grenth of Festering 82 80 Ring
Shaman Reward Greaves Shaman Reward Greaves 82 80 Boots
Sword Sword 82 80 Sword
Shield Shield 82 80 Shield
Sylvari Pistol Sylvari Pistol 82 80 Pistol
Shaman's Shiverpeak Beacon Shaman's Shiverpeak Beacon 82 80 Torch
Svanir Leggings Svanir Leggings 82 80 Leggings
Sorcerer's Coat Sorcerer's Coat 82 80 Coat
Shaman Reward Pauldrons Shaman Reward Pauldrons 82 80 Shoulders
Steam Hammer Steam Hammer 82 80 Hammer
Sword Sword 82 80 Sword
Sarraceinaceae of Purity Sarraceinaceae of Purity 82 80 Rifle
Short Bow Short Bow 82 80 Short Bow
Summit Stave Summit Stave 82 80 Staff
Strong Conjurer Gloves of the Grove Strong Conjurer Gloves of the Grove 82 80 Gloves
Shield Shield 82 80 Shield
Shaman's Shiverpeak Wand Shaman's Shiverpeak Wand 82 80 Scepter
Svanir Masque Svanir Masque 82 80 Helm
Strong Pirate Boots of the Centaur Strong Pirate Boots of the Centaur 82 80 Boots
Stag Chausses Stag Chausses 82 80 Leggings
Seraph Torch Seraph Torch 82 80 Torch
Steam Shield Steam Shield 82 80 Shield
Savant Helm Savant Helm 82 80 Helm
Strong Conjurer Mantle of Infiltration Strong Conjurer Mantle of Infiltration 82 80 Shoulders
Shield of the Dragon's Deep Shield of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Shield