Guild Wars 2


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Nameсортировать по убыванию Item level Required level Slot
Healing Shiverpeak Talisman Healing Shiverpeak Talisman 18 16 Focus
Healing Shiverpeak Talisman Healing Shiverpeak Talisman 16 14 Focus
Healing Shiverpeak Talisman Healing Shiverpeak Talisman 22 20 Focus
Healing Shiverpeak Trident Healing Shiverpeak Trident 3 1 Trident
Healing Shiverpeak Trident Healing Shiverpeak Trident 8 6 Trident
Healing Shiverpeak Trident Healing Shiverpeak Trident 13 11 Trident
Healing Shiverpeak Trident Healing Shiverpeak Trident 18 16 Trident
Healing Shiverpeak Trident Healing Shiverpeak Trident 16 14 Trident
Healing Shiverpeak Trident Healing Shiverpeak Trident 22 20 Trident
Healing Shiverpeak Wand Healing Shiverpeak Wand 3 1 Scepter
Healing Shiverpeak Wand Healing Shiverpeak Wand 8 6 Scepter
Healing Shiverpeak Wand Healing Shiverpeak Wand 13 11 Scepter
Healing Shiverpeak Wand Healing Shiverpeak Wand 18 16 Scepter
Healing Shiverpeak Wand Healing Shiverpeak Wand 16 14 Scepter
Healing Shiverpeak Wand Healing Shiverpeak Wand 22 20 Scepter
Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn 3 1 Warhorn
Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn 8 6 Warhorn
Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn 13 11 Warhorn
Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn 18 16 Warhorn
Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn 16 14 Warhorn
Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn Healing Shiverpeak Warhorn 22 20 Warhorn
Healing Zweihander Healing Zweihander 16 14 Greatsword
Healing Zweihander Healing Zweihander 22 20 Greatsword
Healing Zweihander Healing Zweihander 3 1 Greatsword
Healing Zweihander Healing Zweihander 8 6 Greatsword
Healing Zweihander Healing Zweihander 13 11 Greatsword
Healing Zweihander Healing Zweihander 18 16 Greatsword
Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness 65 0 Trophy
Heart of Fire Heart of Fire 65 0 Trophy
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 0 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 0 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 80 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 80 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 80 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 0 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 80 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 80 Coat
Heart of Koda Heart of Koda 82 80 Coat
Heart of Mellaggan of the Geomancer Heart of Mellaggan of the Geomancer 82 80 Focus
Heart-Shaped Cookie[s] Heart-Shaped Cookie[s] 22 15 Food
Heartwood Fragment Heartwood Fragment 25 23 Accessory
Heartwood Fragment Heartwood Fragment 25 23 Accessory
Hearty Acolyte Boots Hearty Acolyte Boots 52 50 Boots
Hearty Acolyte Boots Hearty Acolyte Boots 47 45 Boots
Hearty Acolyte Coat Hearty Acolyte Coat 52 50 Coat
Hearty Acolyte Coat Hearty Acolyte Coat 47 45 Coat
Hearty Acolyte Gloves Hearty Acolyte Gloves 52 50 Gloves
Hearty Acolyte Gloves Hearty Acolyte Gloves 47 45 Gloves
Hearty Acolyte Mantle Hearty Acolyte Mantle 47 45 Shoulders
Hearty Acolyte Mantle Hearty Acolyte Mantle 52 50 Shoulders