Guild Wars 2


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" | % | ( | 1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | Ã | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Item levelсортировать по возрастанию Required level Slot
Golden Torch Golden Torch 82 80 Torch
Golden Scepter Golden Scepter 82 80 Scepter
Great Gearblade Great Gearblade 82 80 Greatsword
Guild Gauntlets Guild Gauntlets 82 0 Gloves
Ghastly Warhorn Ghastly Warhorn 82 80 Warhorn
Galrath's Greaves of Grenth Galrath's Greaves of Grenth 82 80 Boots
Ghastly Harpoon Ghastly Harpoon 82 80 Spear
Gunner's Pauldrons Gunner's Pauldrons 82 0 Shoulders
Ghastly Pistol Ghastly Pistol 82 80 Pistol
Gavebeorn Spear Gavebeorn Spear 82 80 Spear
Greatsword Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Golden Greatsword Golden Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Genius Gloves Genius Gloves 82 0 Gloves
Glyphic Longblade Glyphic Longblade 82 80 Greatsword
Golden Staff Golden Staff 82 80 Trident
Ghastly Speargun Ghastly Speargun 82 80 Harpoon Gun
Greatsword of the Dragon's Deep Greatsword of the Dragon's Deep 82 80 Greatsword
Golden Pistol Golden Pistol 82 80 Pistol
Golden Torch Golden Torch 82 80 Torch
Ghastly Greatsword Ghastly Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Golden Scepter Golden Scepter 82 80 Scepter
Guild Assassin Backpack Guild Assassin Backpack 82 80 Back
Guild Greaves Guild Greaves 82 0 Leggings
Galrath's Helm of Grenth Galrath's Helm of Grenth 82 80 Helm
Golden Dagger Golden Dagger 82 80 Dagger
Ghastly Pistol Ghastly Pistol 82 80 Pistol
Gavebeorn Spear Gavebeorn Spear 82 80 Spear
Golden Greatsword Golden Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Gift of Bolt Gift of Bolt 80 0 Trophy
Golem Transformation Tincture Golem Transformation Tincture 80 0 Generic
Gossamer Gloves Padding[s] Gossamer Gloves Padding[s] 80 0 Crafting Material
Gift of Sunrise Gift of Sunrise 80 0 Trophy
Gift[s] of Entertainment Gift[s] of Entertainment 80 0 Trophy
Gift[s] of Wood Gift[s] of Wood 80 0 Trophy
Gift of Dragon Maw Gift of Dragon Maw 80 0 Trophy
Gossamer Gloves Panel[s] Gossamer Gloves Panel[s] 80 0 Crafting Material
Gift of The Bifrost Gift of The Bifrost 80 0 Trophy
Gift[s] of History Gift[s] of History 80 0 Trophy
Gift[s] of Zhaitan Gift[s] of Zhaitan 80 0 Trophy
Guild Siege Golem Blueprints Guild Siege Golem Blueprints 80 0 Immediate
Gift of Exploration Gift of Exploration 80 0 Trophy
Gossamer Helm Padding[s] Gossamer Helm Padding[s] 80 0 Crafting Material
Gift of The Dreamer Gift of The Dreamer 80 0 Trophy
Gift[s] of Ice Gift[s] of Ice 80 0 Trophy
Glob[s] of Ectoplasm Glob[s] of Ectoplasm 80 0 Trophy
Gift of Fortune Gift of Fortune 80 0 Trophy
Gossamer Helm Strap[s] Gossamer Helm Strap[s] 80 0 Crafting Material
Gift of The Flameseeker Prophecies Gift of The Flameseeker Prophecies 80 0 Trophy
Gift[s] of Knowledge Gift[s] of Knowledge 80 0 Trophy
Gift of Frenzy Gift of Frenzy 80 0 Trophy