Guild Wars 2


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" | % | ( | 1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | Ã | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Item levelсортировать по убыванию Required level Slot
Golden Hammer Golden Hammer 72 70 Hammer
Giant Shout Giant Shout 72 70 Gloves
Golden Shield Golden Shield 72 70 Shield
Golden Trident Golden Trident 72 70 Trident
Greatsword Greatsword 72 70 Greatsword
Golden Hammer Golden Hammer 72 70 Hammer
Golden Rifle Golden Rifle 72 70 Rifle
Golden Shield Golden Shield 72 70 Shield
Golden Axe Golden Axe 72 70 Axe
Golden Trident Golden Trident 72 70 Trident
Golden Focus Golden Focus 72 70 Focus
Golden Hammer Golden Hammer 72 70 Hammer
Golden Rifle Golden Rifle 72 70 Rifle
Golden Sword Golden Sword 72 70 Sword
Golden Axe Golden Axe 72 70 Axe
Golden Focus Golden Focus 72 70 Focus
Golden Mace Golden Mace 72 70 Mace
Golden Rifle Golden Rifle 72 70 Rifle
Golden Sword Golden Sword 72 70 Sword
Golden Axe Golden Axe 72 70 Axe
Golden Focus Golden Focus 72 70 Focus
Golden Mace Golden Mace 72 70 Mace
Golden Speargun Golden Speargun 72 70 Harpoon Gun
Golden Sword Golden Sword 72 70 Sword
Golden Mace Golden Mace 72 70 Mace
Golden Speargun Golden Speargun 72 70 Harpoon Gun
Golden Harpoon Golden Harpoon 72 70 Spear
Golden Speargun Golden Speargun 72 70 Harpoon Gun
Golden Warhorn Golden Warhorn 72 70 Warhorn
Grawl Oil Paints Grawl Oil Paints 73 71 Accessory
Grawl Oil Paints Grawl Oil Paints 73 71 Accessory
Ghostly Hide Ghostly Hide 73 0 Trophy
Goldenlight Hallow Lab Test Results Goldenlight Hallow Lab Test Results 74 72 Accessory
Goldenlight Hallow Lab Test Results Goldenlight Hallow Lab Test Results 74 72 Accessory
Greatsword Greatsword 74 72 Greatsword
Golem Cannon Blueprint Golem Cannon Blueprint 74 72 Accessory
Golem Cannon Blueprint Golem Cannon Blueprint 74 72 Accessory
Glazed Peach Tart[s] Glazed Peach Tart[s] 75 75 Food
Greater Rune[s] of Holding Greater Rune[s] of Holding 75 0 Crafting Material
Greatsword Greatsword 77 75 Greatsword
Greatsword Greatsword 78 76 Greatsword
Garment Garment 78 0 Trophy
Gift[s] of Ascension Gift[s] of Ascension 78 0 Trophy
Ghostly Hide Ghostly Hide 78 0 Trophy
Glacial Lonestone[s] Glacial Lonestone[s] 78 0 Crafting Material
Giant boss jormag Giant boss jormag 80 0 Axe
Gift[s] of Ice Gift[s] of Ice 80 0 Trophy
Glob[s] of Ectoplasm Glob[s] of Ectoplasm 80 0 Trophy
Gift of Exploration Gift of Exploration 80 0 Trophy
Gossamer Helm Padding[s] Gossamer Helm Padding[s] 80 0 Crafting Material